The German Spitz - children's best friend

Who is the best kindergarten teacher in the world? Our Spitz, of course!

German Spitz family dog children kids friend kindergarden dog
The Spitz: friend and bodyguard for children

Until a few decades ago, you could find a German Spitz where ever you have been. He always ran around freely, guarded the house and yard, accompanied the children on the way to school, accompanied his mistress when she did the shopping and picked up his master from the bus after work. Sometimes he even looked after the poultry and brought the cattle to the pasture and back again. Completely naturally and without commands or bribery with treats, because the German Spitz has always been the “all-rounder dog” of the common people, so to speak. But what really sets him apart from other dog breeds is his huge heart for children. Because the Spitz is not only always up for all sorts of pranks and is a real clown, but is also up for almost any practical joke; Even in his old age, the Spitz still likes to join in on any nonsense with “his” children. 

In addition, the Spitz has another great quality that cannot be valued highly enough, especially when dealing with children: it does not hold grudges. Even if the lips or tail are pulled, the Spitz prefers to flee, only to be there again a few minutes later and, if in doubt, have to endure the same procedure again. Even the adult Spitz remains absolutely harmless towards children, family members and smaller animals. Where, in his opinion, adults can certainly take a bump, he walks past small children with such caution that you might think he even wanted to stop wagging his tail just to be on the safe side. 


Our German Spitzes are really ideal for living in families with children and acting as babysitters, guardians and playmates. On the one hand, because they are incredibly fond of their children and take excellent care of them, and on the other hand, because a proper Spitz has no hunting drive whatsoever, so no child runs the risk of triggering hunting drive by falling down. And even if the description of the characteristics of the German Spitz sounds like you need a "gun license" at first, you shouldn't let that put you off: after all, a sharp family dog is a dog that is particularly attached to its family. And that's the Spitz above all else.

SOUND ON! Keeshond Bumblebee with his best friend on the trampoline. [1]

He is a dog that guards and protects his family at all times - and doesn't let himself be petted by every strange, shady character or allow himself to be bribed with a steak. Therefore, as a proper family dog, he has to be courageous and alert if he wants to protect his family effectively. Otherwise, he's nothing more than a nagging alarm system! Our rough farm Spitz, with his stubbornness, sharpness and boldness, who is not afraid to effectively ward off bad people to protect his loved ones, could hardly be more suitable for families.


The German Spitz has proven its versatility and suitability for families over the centuries like no other dog - and has particularly distinguished itself as the best kindergarten teacher in the world. In gratitude, he has been immortalized in poems, stories and songs, drawn, carved and modeled, books written about him and even games named after him.


Sneaky Spitz? No way? Let's just let the old photos speak for him, which show how harmonious the coexistence of Spitz and child was at a time when the Spitz was still a feared guard dog.

German Spitz Family dog

A true story: Wolfsspitz Brendy in the children's orphanage


"Shortly before Easter, a yellow car drove up and Brendy jumped out, the long-awaited Wolfspitz. An American family returning to the States gave us their little friend because he couldn't come with them. The lovely family said goodbye with a kiss on Brendy's black nose, after telling us everything that was important for Brendy. The door closed and Brendy was upset, he started to cry, but then Robert, 10 years old, hugged him and promised him a kingdom. He slept for two nights next to Brendy, showed him house and garden, and the other children lay in a circle around Brendy so that Brendy recognized his mission. He knows all the kids and swerves around them, but every stranger is dutifully growled at; Brendy's warning sounds can also be heard at night as soon as footsteps approach. We can't thank Mr. President Jäger enough, who, when we asked if he had a Spitz for the orphanage, sent us this very sweet Brendy."


 Maria Neubecker in 1977 (St. Nikolaus Children's Home, Worms)

What should be emphasized here is the great importance of Spitz for the families of the time, and especially for the children. Professional photographers were very expensive at the time, but people weren't afraid to have the children photographed together with their Spitzes. That’s how important the dogs were to their owners.

[1] With kind approval from M. Zbinden


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