Bravo! Little Spitz!

In the hallway of the boys' school, a little German Spitz runs up and down in front of the 5b class door. "Well, you're probably waiting for your master," says a teacher who is just passing by and gives Spitz a little scratch behind his ear. To thank him, he runs a little after the person who is walking away, but then returns to the class. He is becoming more and more restless. His master Rolf should have come out long ago. He jumps up at the door and grabs the handle. Finally, after unsuccessful attempts, he succeeds. Spitz pushes his way through the doorway. But what is that? His master, his comrades, even the teacher are lying on the ground. The Spitz tugs sharply on Rolf's jacket sleeve and licks his hand. But he doesn't move. He runs out the door to the principal's room. He sometimes got something from him, and that's why he knew exactly where his room was. By chance, the door is a little open. Spitz rushes towards the man, barking loudly, and grabs him by the trouser leg. “Are you willing to let me go!” he shouts. But Spitz is out of control. He runs to the door, comes back and drags the director with him. He suddenly remembers that Spitz always picks up his master. Then why does he come to him? Should something have happened? “It’s okay, I’m coming,” he reassures the whining dog. But he is shocked when he sees the whole class lying on the floor. He immediately calls the doctor and the ambulance. In the meantime, other teachers also came over. They look at the misfortune in dismay. It smells awfully like coal gas. How could this happen? 


Honk honk honk. The ambulance stops in front of the school. The doctor also comes rushing up the stairs. "Well, coal gas poisoning, another half hour, and they would all be dead," he states. The director points to the Spitz. "It was this dog who brought it to my attention." Then he leans over him. "Come with me, Spitz. You deserve a piece of sausage. A piece? No, you get a whole one."


And the little white Spitz then ate his sausage with great pleasure, even though he didn't know how much he had done.

Published in no. 17 of German magazine "Hören und Sehen" from 24.04.1955

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